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Sometimes, Our Fences Really ARE Wild!

Usually, when we do a higher security fence, it's for a substation or an oilfield site. But sometimes, it's designed to keep some critters safe while they are rehabilitated. That was exactly the case when our Niagara branch recently completed some chain link fencing for the Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Rosseau, Ontario.

About the Sanctuary

Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary is a private, fully donor funded wildlife sanctuary that has been around since the 1970s.

Today, it covers hundreds of acres in Muskoka, and is home to a wide range of animals, including wolves, bears, beavers, otters and more.

Their goal is simple: to take in orphaned, injured or sick wild animals, and rehabilitate them to the point where they can be released into the wild again - and they do it well, with over 80% success rate in some years!

Of course, some animals can't be rehabilitated, so they become long term residents, living in habitats that are as close as possible to what they would experience in the wild.

What We Did

As you would imagine for an organization that houses a virtual Noah's Ark of north American wildlife, it's important to keep residents and animals that are being rehabilitated safe during their stay. With so many diverse animals, that means building safe, secure enclosures where they can rest and recuperate, while ensuring the safety of volunteers and staff.

Our team was very proud to be a part of that recently, building a new black bear enclosure and a deer fawn enclosure, both of which were high quality galvanized chain link fence.

Because this site is located right on the Canadian shield, it took a little more than usual effort to install the fence they needed.

Instead of digging all of the holes for our fence posts as we normally would, some had to be cored directly into the bedrock, and the posts grouted in place. While these were only about 15% of the final post count, it still added a significant challenge to the overall project.

As you can imagine, the fence required for both bears and fawns is a little more robust than you'd see around your home.

The bear enclosure was 10' high, with three horizontal rails to stand up to the weight of the burly inhabitants, and the deer fence had to be 8' high with two rails. While the deer aren't as big or as heavy, they are significantly better jumpers!

What's Next?

Rite-Way Fencing will be going back to the sanctuary in May, to complete a moose calf enclosure, with more pens on the horizon, as our favourite wildlife sanctuary adds more wonderful residents and visitors to their menagerie.

While we are definitely very proud of our fence on this site, in this case, we'd appreciate it more if you could spread the word about this fantastic organization and their very important work. As a private charitable organization, any support they can get helps, and will help to keep more of our precious wildlife safe in future.

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